Migraine causes unbearable headache which can last for days or hours. Migraine often remains untreated and unnoticed. If you are getting migraine attacks on a regular basis, it is necessary to keep a record of that and consult a doctor. Migraine can become a part of life at any age, and usually comes during adolescence. It may become severe in the 30s and will be less critical as you grow old.
In women, migraine is noticed just before or after the menstrual cycle. The migraine problem improves after menopause.
Only a person suffering from migraine pain knows its severity. The chronic headache caused because of migraine may lead to:
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Sound sensitivity
- Light sensitivity
- Change in vision
In case of mild migraine attack, symptoms may last for one or two days. But it may take 15 days in case of severe headache.
There is no definite reason for migraine. Researchers have come up with some reasons which include:
- Central nervous disorder may result in migraine when triggered.
- Irregularities present in blood vessel system of brain and vascular system may lead to migraine.
- Migraine can be caused because of genetic reasons.
- Abnormal behavior of brain chemicals may cause to migraine headache.
The best trick to avoid migraine is to stop the cause which triggers headache. Migraine can happen because of different reasons and it depends on person to person. For some of the patient migraine may happen because of any specific food, drink, skipping meals, preservatives etc.