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So far admin has created 15 blog entries.

Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions Welcome to Dr. Masud Javed Homeopathy Clinic. If you continue to browse and use this website you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern Dr. Masud Javed Homeopathy’s relationship with you in relation to [...]

Terms and Conditions2020-05-20T13:14:48+00:00



Disclaimer The information, response, advice provided or remedies prescribed by Dr. Masud Javed Homeopathy to any query posted/mailed is solely on the basis of the information provided by you and is meant for general information only. The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care, and diagnosis. You [...]


Ayurveda and yoga could provide an effective, affordable means for COVID-19 prevention


Experts in Indian traditional medicine, including the chair of the Government of India's committee charged to lead that nation's efforts on the potential uses of traditional medicine relative to COVID-19, describe how the approach of Ayurveda and yoga may help strengthen host immunity and provide an effective, accessible, and affordable means of prophylaxis of COVID-19 [...]

Ayurveda and yoga could provide an effective, affordable means for COVID-19 prevention2020-05-10T12:18:17+00:00



Our Treatment Diabetes Thyroid Women's HealthWomen’s Health Arthritis Infertility Sinusitis Hypertension Skin Hair Loss Allergy Asthma Migraine Headache Spondylitis Children Diseases [...]


Online Consultation


Our Specialist Team will analyze and evaluate the case studies. Homeopathic medicines will be sent to you by post or courier. Follow up online support as and when required, by chat and phone. Evaluation of the case after a definite period of therapy. Use of the online treatment protocol means that you agree to [...]

Online Consultation2020-05-10T10:26:40+00:00

Children Diseases


ABOUT CHILDREN DISEASE Children are more prone to disease, because initially their immune system is not well developed. It is natural to worry when your kid gets fever repeatedly. You may try to keep them bundled up with seasonal cloths for keeping illness at bay. But the truth is that children start getting diseases [...]

Children Diseases2020-04-26T09:30:14+00:00



ABOUT SPONDYLITIS Spondylitis or we can call it as neck arthritis normally happens with age and affects discs and joints of our neck. This problem arises due to damage in bone and cartilage which is present in cervical spine, found in our neck. Spondylitis usually happens because of age but there are several other aspects which [...]


Migraine Headache


ABOUT MIGRAINE Migraine causes unbearable headache which can last for days or hours. Migraine often remains untreated and unnoticed. If you are getting migraine attacks on a regular basis, it is necessary to keep a record of that and consult a doctor. Migraine can become a part of life at any age, and usually [...]

Migraine Headache2020-04-26T09:34:53+00:00